About Jackie
Jackie Blue has been a secondary mathematics teacher in NSW government schools for over eleven years. She has been Head Teacher of Mathematics for the last five years at Chester Hill High School, where she has facilitated significant changes to the nature of school-based assessment.
Jackie has presented on the topic of alternative assessment ideas and enrichment activities at the MANSW Annual Conference and the Sydney University Secondary Mathematics Alumni Conference. Workshop participants greatly appreciate Jackie’s highly developed presentation skills and her willingness to share her creative ideas.
Jackie is passionate about engaging and developing this generation of learners through the use of rich teaching, learning and assessment activities. She is interested in exploring the broad spectrum of authentic assessment opportunities available to teachers that go beyond the traditional method of examinations.
Jackie has presented on the topic of alternative assessment ideas and enrichment activities at the MANSW Annual Conference and the Sydney University Secondary Mathematics Alumni Conference. Workshop participants greatly appreciate Jackie’s highly developed presentation skills and her willingness to share her creative ideas.
Jackie is passionate about engaging and developing this generation of learners through the use of rich teaching, learning and assessment activities. She is interested in exploring the broad spectrum of authentic assessment opportunities available to teachers that go beyond the traditional method of examinations.